It's not practical or possible to build a different robot for every task or for every scenario we require a robot. Building a robot requires time and the parts are costly. Sensors can be expensive. There would be a lot of unnecessary duplication. We could dismantle the robot we have in order to build the robot we need.   We really don't like this option.  After we have put in the time and effort to build a robot, test it, and it does what we want it to do,  we're usually happy and we keep it.

We advocate the creation of teams of robots consisting of existing robots. These robots can be reused, repurposed, and enhanced with additional sensors and actuators.   Using communication techniques, a "team of robots"  can perform new behaviors the original robots were not built or programmed to do.


A distributed multi-agent approach is used to program the teams of robots. GRIOT (Group Reasoning Inference & Ontological Theory)  functions as the method for constructing this robotic rational distributed multi-agent systems. GRIOT architecture assumes a multi-paradigm approach that relies primarily on a hybrid of logic programming and object-oriented programming techniques. The GRIOT architecture also includes:


RAA include the environment and the task(s) to be performed by the robot team.


Robot Environmental Attribute Description (READ) set is the list of objects that the robot will encounter and interact with within the robot’s environment. The environment itself has attributes, and each object within the environment will have a set of attributes.


The TCM is used to identify what Bluetooth-enabled devices are potential team members and what set of capabilities each device brings to any solution or robot design.


BRON approach leverages the creativity that has gone into your existing robots by putting them into teams and adding Bluetooth communication capabilities and team-mode modules into your already

programs. Any device that speaks a compatible dialect of Bluetooth is

a potential team member in the BRON, and that device brings all its capabilities and strengths to a potential BRON team.                                                           

OUR TEAMSteam-index.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0
BUILD INSTRUCTIONSbuild-index.htmlMISSION_CONTROL_files/build-index.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0


In our book “Build Your Own Teams of Robots”, we introduce a project where a team of robots (CSI Team) encounter a Warehouse X where the team of robots will face a mystery it has to solve. Solving the types of problems introduced are fundamental to all kinds of robotic tasks and to robot programming. So Ctest Laboratories and Northeast Ohio Association for Computing Machinery (NEOACM),  are currently organizing a series of CSI/CLUE TEAM ROBOT CHALLENGE that will face the CSI/CLUE challenges of Warehouse X. In the book, what was presented is a scaled-down version of the Warehouse X problem with some simplifying assumptions, but what is left intact is enough  to capture the value of a team of robots working autonomously to solve a problem or execute a task.  On this website, we will introduce the “CSI/CLUE ROBOT TEAM CHALLENGE”.